Lyrics & Devotional Notes
Most of my presentations are in Christian schools or church communities where I can generally assume in the group gathered at least a skeletal knowledge about Jesus. Sometimes, however, I have the chance to share my music and message with people who possibly know very little. One of these contexts is the Upside Down Circus, a large outreach festival held annually in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. My role has been the singing Ringmaster in the big top tent. What an opportunity to share the Good News…..and to write songs. Inside Out and Upside Down and Heyo were a result of this little songwriting blitz.
Heyo is my attempt to tackle a steep challenge….. to try to both summarize and share the amazingness of the salvation story in a few lines of music. While Inside Out and Upside Down presents theloving hand of Jesus reaching out to us in times of stress and trouble Heyo points out our need for Jesus even when life seems to be going along OK.
Matt 4:4, 1 John 1:8, John 3:16, Psalm 118:8, 1 John 2:15-17, Proverbs 3:5-6, Rom 8:5-7, Rom 3:23, Rom 6:23, Matt 7:13-15
Heyo, Heyo, Heyo. Heyo, Heyo, Heyo.
What’s this Jesus thing all about?
Sit right back and I’ll tell you now.
You might think your life’s pretty good.
You might think your life’s quite OK.
You might think you’re sitting on solid ground
But there’s a better thing coming your way.
By yourself you just can’t make the grade
No matter how hard you try.
When it comes to the crunch your life’s hardly perfect.
We all know that deep inside.
Heyo, Heyo, Heyo Heyo, Heyo, Heyo
God’s as generous as He can be.
He wants your life to be full and free.
He wants you to be the best you can.
He’s got you in his special plans.
So His choice was very clear
Not to leave you to struggle along
But to come to Earth to live with you here
To give you life that’s full and strong, life that’s full and strong.
Heyo, Heyo, Heyo Heyo, Heyo, Heyo
A long time ago and far away
A baby was born on a special day.
This was no ordinary birth.
This was Jesus, the king of the Universe.
He came to show you the way
To put you back on your feet.
He came to give you a brand new start,
A life that’s full and sweet.
It’s simple but it’s true
That God loves us so much
That He sent his precious only son
To give new life to us.
Heyo, Heyo, Heyo Heyo, Heyo, Heyo
Chris Jaensch.© 2014