Lyrics & Devotional Notes
More Like You
We all have some-one that we admire, someone we wish we could be like. It may
be a sports hero, a TV or music star, or a person at work or school. But, as fantastic
and ideal that person seems to be, he or she will never be perfect. In fact, if we
got to know them better we may be sorely disappointed. Jesus is the perfect one, the
one whose life is worth imitating. The great thing is that, through God’s forgiveness for
our failings and through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we can actually grow
every day to be more like Jesus.
Eph 5:1-2 Col 3:1-4 Rom 12:1-2 Gal 5:13-26 2Peter 1:3-8. Eph 4:20-24 Phil 2:5-8 Phil 1:10-11
Jesus, make me more like you, more like you today.
Jesus, make me more like you, more like you, I pray.
You’re the one who showed me how.
You came and you’re still with me now.
Send your Spirit, make me strong.
Show me, Lord, where I belong.
Make me patient, (Echo)
gentle and kind. (Echo)
Make me like you, Lord, (Echo)
all of the time. (Echo)
Forgive me, Lord, when I go wrong.
Pick me up when I fall down.
Help me love you every day.
Let me follow in your way.
Let me be good, Lord. (Echo)
Let me be strong, (Echo)
self-controlled, (Echo)
choosing right from wrong. (Echo)
Give me love, Lord, (Echo)
through and through. (Echo)
Let me be for others (Echo)
just like You (Echo)
© Chris Jaensch 2004