Lyrics & Devotional Notes
Come Let Us Praise the Lord
Isn’t it amazing! The person who 3000 years ago wrote Psalm 95 was celebrating
the same loving and powerful God that we worship today. Isn’t it incredible how God’s
people from all realms of history have a common focus? Isn’t it comforting and
exciting that, in this world which contains so much that can threaten and harm us, God is
our protector, our bodyguard, who rules over and controls everything?
Psalm 95 Eph 1:18-2
Come let us praise the Lord.
Sing to our Protector and Saviour.
Come let us thank, thank the Lord
For the Lord is a mighty God.
A mighty King over all the Gods.
He rules over the Earth,
Over the Sea
Over the sky
Over the mountains
Over the plains
Over the deserts
Over the World.
© Chris Jaensch 1974