Lyrics & Devotional Notes
What, What, What?
Probably the most inspiring and helpful book I have read is Rick Warren’s ‘The
Purpose Driven Life’ In very practical ways this book answers the huge question
‘What on Earth am I here for?’ While the refrain of this song repeatedly asks that
very question, the five verses give some answers. Lots to think about and take
on board.
Thanks to Rick Warren for the inspiration of the book and the stimulus to write this song.
Col 1:9-14 Eph 1:4 Mark 12:30 Rom 12:1 Acts 2:42-47 Eph 4:22-24, 2:10 Matt 28:19-20
What, what, what, what on Earth am I here for?
Why, why, why, why on earth am I here?
How, how, how, how can I find the answer?
Jesus. Make it clear!
Worship God and give him praise.
Live for Him through every day.
We belong to God’s family.
Let’s share His love in harmony.
Be like Jesus every day
in all I do and all I say.
With open eyes, reach out my hands.
Serve my Lord and fellow man.
Spread the Word, play my part.
Speak His love to every heart.
© Chris Jaensch 2002